
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the psychological wellbeing of populations worldwide. The purpose of the study. In this research, we assess changes on the dental status and the main indicators of life quality of dentist’s patients. Material and methods. Two groups of patients of three different ages were compared in the study. The 1st group was examined in 2015 and consisted of 175 patients, the 2nd group was examined in 2020. DMF index, hygienic index by J.C. Greene, J.R. Vermillion (ОНI-S, 1964), PMA index were determined. The data obtained were compared with each other. The questionnaire "Quality of life of psychosomatic patients" was applied. Three components: somatic, psychological and social were assessed. A score from 0 to 25 points corresponds to a low indicator, 44 to 86 points is an average one, 97 to 144 points is a high score. Results and discussion. At the first stage of the study, we assessed the dental status of patients before and after the pandemic. It should be noted that the morbidity structure has not changed significantly over the past 5 years. DMF index increased from 9.63±0.31 to 11.6±0.32 (p <0.05), the level of oral hygiene decreased - 2.55±0.16 versus 2.87±0.10 (p <0.05). We revealed an increase in the number of patients presented for dental care with high rates of caries intensity and decreased oral hygiene. A comparative analysis of the clinical indicators of patients showed that the COVID-19 epidemic, acting as a psychotraumatic factor, significantly reduced their quality of life in all respects. The overall assessment of life quality decreased by 18% in the observation period, P <0.05. The overall life quality value was characterized as high in 2015, but, unfortunately, this indicator corresponded to the average values. A similar trend was noted for all life quality components. The most significant decrease in life quality was noted for the somatic component, which decreased by 22% in 2020. The results of the study showed that the unfavorable epidemiological situation did not have a significant effect on young people, however, as for the elderly people, the pandemic reduced their satisfaction with life by 32%. People of middle age were the most resistant to the influence of the epidemiological situation. They had the average value of life quality indicators in 2020, but they did not differ significantly from the indicators of 2015. The psychological component of life quality evenly decreased in middle-aged and elderly people. This indicator of middle-aged people decreased by 20% and by 35% in older people. In the course of our study, it was found that the dynamics of a decrease in the social component of life quality directly depends on age. The changes are more noticeable with age. So, this indicator changed by 10%, for middle-aged people - by 17%, in the older age category - by 32%. Conclusion. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has dramatically changed the lives of people around the world, including in Ukraine, negatively affecting life quality. Interventions to increase the economic security of the population will have far-reaching consequences in terms of improved mental health, and should be continued throughout the pandemic


  • Если показатели соматического компонента в 2020 г. у лиц молодого и среднего возраста не изменились достоверно, то у людей пожилого возраста, отмечалось резкое снижение данного показателя с 96,85 баллов до 66,5 (Р

  • ConclusionThe COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has dramatically changed the lives of people around the world, including in Ukraine, negatively affecting life quality

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Цель исследования – оценка влияния сложившейся эпидемиологической обстановки на стоматологический статус и основные показатели качества жизни пациентов. Сравнительный анализ клинических показателей пациентов, явившихся для санации полости рта, показал, что эпидемия COVID-19, воздействуя как психотравмирующий фактор, существенно снизила качество их жизни по всем её составляющим, что затруднило своевременные лечебно-профилактические меро­ приятия. Пандемия коронавируса COVID-19, а также меры по ее ликвидации отрицательно сказываются на качестве жизни каждого конкретного человека. Введенные в мире, в том числе в Украине, также отрицательно сказываются на качестве жизни каждого конкретного человека. Цель исследования состояла в оценке влияния карантинных мероприятий на качество жизни и стоматологический статус пациентов. 2-я состояла из 65 человек лица молодого (25), среднего (19) и пожилого возраста (21), обратившихся для санации полости рта в период второй волны эпидемии COVID-19 в 2020 году.

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