
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of emotional burnout of servicemen in the conditions of long – lasting armed conflict. When analyzing the problem of emotional burnout, we can identify a large number of studies of this problem and its causes in doctors and teachers. The phenomenon of emotional burnout of servicemen is also in the field of scientific interest, in particular of the State Border Guard Service (O. Khairulin), cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (L. Pyankivska), and others. However, the problem of emotional burnout in servicemen as a result of protracted armed conflict is poorly understood. The activity of personnel in a combat situation forces servicemen to function at the limits of permissible loads. Excessive exhaustion leads to psychological trauma and emotional burnout of servicemen, which negatively affects their psychological stability and can lead to various negative emotional reactions. An empirical study found that the emotional burnout syndrome in servicemen is largely unformed, but is in the formation phase, which at any time can lead to the development of this factor on a permanent basis, which, in the future, will need to undergo psychocorrection.. The results obtained may also indicate the manifestation of certain signs of emotional secrecy, exclusion and indifference of servicemen. Further active formation of emotional burnout can cause servicemen to feel excessive fatigue, burnout of professional activities, the desire to spend as little time as possible on the tasks facing them, as well as the cessation of any communication, both between comrades and commanders. The application of statistical criteria allowed to single out the personal readiness for change as a factor in the prevention of emotional burnout. The inverse correlation between indicators of emotional burnout and innovative readiness is revealed, which allows to single out personal readiness for changes as a constructive factor of prevention of the studied phenomenon of emotional burnout. In addition, a correlation was found between the indicators of the component of personal readiness for change «Adaptability» and the length of stay in the ATO and OOS, the presence of relationships. The presence of ranks and years of service testify to the importance of taking into account these factors in the development of innovative readiness of servicemen, and hence in the development of a preventive program to prevent emotional burnout of servicemen. Confirms the importance of their consideration and the revealed correlation between the indicators of emotional burnout and these factors; between the indicators of the latter and the component of the viability of the servicemen of the «Control», the degree of satisfaction with daily activities, which are important in the prevention of the phenomenon under study.

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