
The article points out that the modern tendencies of education are the modernization of it's content, forms and methods, development and testing of new educational and psychological technologies, the emergence of new types of educational institutions. These changes, in turn, depend on require the constant work of the head of the educational institution over the image of their institution, their own image and the reputation of research and teaching staff. The article deals with the most important components without which the formation of a positive image of a high school teacher is not possible. It was revealed that one of the factors for creating a positive image of the future specialist is the educational environment of the higher education institution and, in particular, the influence of the teaching staff. The role of the teacher's image in the formation of students' professional and personal qualities was analyzed. The essence of the concept of pedagogical image, its formation and development, functions of image, structure of personal image are determined. These include, in particular, professional competence, universal values, moral standards, managerial culture and technology of self-presentation. The article provides examples of the influence of the teacher's appearance on the level of information assimilation by students. The connection between the components of the image and the components of the teacher's pedagogical skill of the institution of higher education was established, the interdependence of teacher's positive image and his or her humanistic orientation was determined. The ways of formation teacher's positive image and development of pedagogical skill are outlined. The types of public image are defined, kinetic and speech image are characterized. The article substantiates that the teacher's positive pedagogical image is able to promote the rise of the efficiency of pedagogical activity and is able to shape the style of social behavior of the high school teacher. Research on this problem and recent publications of domestic and foreign scientists are analyzed.

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