
Remote sensing data from space and using UAVs make it possible to solve a wide range of tasks related to the study of Earth degassing processes in the Arctic. For the first time, via comprehensive aerospace research on the Yamal Peninsula, we have discovered 4992 zones of gas blowouts (explosions) in the form of craters (pockmarks) at the bottom of 3551 thermokarst lakes and 16 rivers. In addition, we have identified another 669 zones of explosive degassing in the coastal zones of the Kara Sea, mainly in gulfs, estuaries and bays. Taking into account the Yugorsky Peninsula and Bely Island, we have detected 6022 explosive degassing zones in the studying region, including 905 ones offshore. We have proved previously made conclusions that the Neytinsko-Seyakhinsky and Sabetta districts are the most gas-explosive. It is substantiated that possible intense natural degassing of the Earth, especially occurring in the process of degradation of subaquatic permafrost and dissociation of gas hydrates, can radically change the elastic-strength properties of bottom soil, while its saturation with gas can disrupt conditions for the construction of various objects, including underwater gas pipelines. Widespread gas blowouts in the north of Western Siberia with the formation of craters on land and offshore can lead to emergencies and even disasters at oil and gas industrial facilities and to fires in the tundra.

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