
The purpose of the article is to determine the contribution of certain motives to the effectiveness of the National Guard of Ukraine. The study involved 384 male servicemen. The study of psychological features of the motivational sphere of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine was carried out using the following methods: «Closed questionnaire to study the motivation of professional choice of university entrants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs», «Methods for determining the motivational profile of the individual», «Questionnaire to determine the sources of motivation.» It is determined that the effectiveness of operational and combat activities of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine is influenced by professional ambitions: the desire for achievement, appropriate status and self-improvement, professional dignity: the desire to meet the requirements of the professional, the mission of the profession; professional self-realization and adequacy of professional self-assessment. In particular, they restrain professional development as inadequately inflated self-esteem, which stops achievements and does not seek new inspections, does not seek new achievements; and inadequately underestimated, based on the idea of lack of own resources, self-esteem. The realization of motivation depends on the locus of control, which determines the relationship of motivation with the «I», the self, shows whether a person controls his life, whether he is controlled by other people, dependent on unmet needs, dependent on emotions, and so on. The development of motivation of operational and combat activities of servicemen takes place in the course of professional socialization. More promising is the development of motivation for operational and combat activities due to the «professionalization» of the prosocial motivation available to servicemen, its transfer to the motivation of public service. Building the motivation of service and combat activities, as a simple set of motives for individual professional actions, not united by a common motivation to serve others, is less promising. Phenomena such as the search for personal meaning in professional activity, giving the profession an independent value, and not perceiving it only as a means of meeting other needs, distinguishing the military profession among other important values, etc. are important in strengthening professional motivation.

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