
The management mechanism is an integral part of the management system, resulting in an effective influence on a variety of factors, which leads to a certain result of the object of management. Focusing on the needs of the consumer, implementing an effective science and technology, innovation and market policy, the desire to update and apply innovations, recognition of social responsibility become the main factors that have a direct impact on the mechanism of enterprise management. For railway companies with a complex management structure, a special place in management is the need to integrate all economic, organizational and technical processes necessary to integrate into one whole all internal industry resources, enhance adaptability and competitiveness. Thus, changing approaches to enterprise management requires a thorough revision of the entire management system, changing the psychology of workers at all levels, improving their qualifications, changing the principles of forming a strategy for enterprise development and defining its goals, the structure of organization and management, the process of developing and adopting management decisions, work with personnel, approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the entire enterprise, its production units and services and workers.Dynamic changes in the market environment, the struggle for the consumer through the creation of such a product, which he wants to get the consumer, the growth of competition leads to the need to revise all management activities of the enterprise. After all, management activities to date are one of the main factors in the effective functioning of an enterprise or company, and the formation of an effective organizational and economic management mechanism will promote productive management and ensure a high level of competitiveness. The key methods of organizational and economic management of the competitiveness of a modern enterprise include: the revitalization of investment and innovation activities, technical re-equipment; improvement of management in the field of finance and capital investments; development of measures on productive use of production, material and financial resources; improvement of personnel management and personnel motivation; introduction of an effective quality management system; use of methods of quality management of products or services; changing approaches to planning and diversifying the production process; review of accounting and cost analysis system; Improve marketing research by reviewing market research approaches; improvement of information support and digitalization of all possible managerial, organizational and production processes; the combination of all components of management activity in relation to the domestic and foreign policy of the enterprise.The proposed approaches to the introduction of a management mechanism to ensure the competitiveness of railway companies enable them to keep their existing competitive positions and raise their level of competitiveness today and in the future. But measures aimed at increasing competitiveness will not be met unless the railways management clearly determines the strategy for the development of each component of the railway transport sector both in the current period and in the future.

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