
The purpose of this study was the investigation of lipid peroxidation products and photosynthetic pigment content in cells of herbs of various species in conditions of anthropogenic pollution of Tyumen. The material for the research was collected near different plants of Tyumen: metallurgical, engine, oil refinery, battery manufacturing as well as highway pollution. The following species of plants were analysed: coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), red clover (Trifolium rubens), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and wild vetch (Vicia cracca). Heavy metal concentration in soils of urban areas turned out to be elevated compared to background sites. Especially high heavy metal content was registered near metallurgical and battery manufacturing plants. Changes in photosynthetic pigment concentration turned out to be species-specific. An increase in photosynthetic pigments was obtained in chamomile cells, while in other plants oppression of photosynthetic apparatus was revealed. Concentration of lipid peroxidation cells of chamomile, meadow grass and wild vetch was increased compared to background site, while in coltsfoot and red clover it decreased. Heavy metal content in soils positively correlated with lipid peroxidation in plants. Oxidation stress in chamomile cells created energetic starvation, which was reflected in a positive correlation between photosynthetic pigments and the concentration of conjugated dienes in cells.

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