
The article examines the historical-heroic songs of Karachais and Balkarians, which are closely connected at their core both with socio-historical events and with the glorification of the feat of a specific person (batyr, zhigit). They capture ethical-aesthetic ideas about heroism, show the national character and ideals of the people, and define historical, cultural, and moral significance. The compositional and conceptual component of historical-heroic songs emphasizes particular aspects such as the struggle, heroic acts, the death or victory of a hero, and the realistic portrayal of specific historical events, real heroic figures, and geographical locations. Analysis, conducted on the material of songs «Achemezni dzhyry» («Song about Achemez») and «Atabiyni dzhyry» («Atabiy’s Song»), showed, that one of the central concepts of the moral and ethical code of the Karachay-Balkarian people is namys, syj, which means «honor». It did not depend on class or financial well-being, but was determined by the personal qualities of each individual person. Loss of honor was considered a fate worse than death. The study showed that in the historical-heroic songs of Karachais and Balkarians a significant layer of encoded information about their linguistic and ethnic picture of the world has been preserved.The research methods, used in the work, were axiological, descriptive and linguistic.

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