
Sites as virtual representatives of memory institutions on the Internet perform many functions of these institutions. Currently, archival site building is developing quite actively, and the attention of researchers is focused on organization, data layout, and design. One of the most important tasks of a memory institution is to attract users. However, literature has been paying insufficient attention to optimization of the sites’ search engines. Thus, the author has turned to studying the sites of the federal archives in terms of their search engine optimization. Comparative analysis of the sites has been carried out according to such criteria as site quality index, number of external links to the resource, total social activity, as well as adaptability of the site for mobile devices. The PR-CY.ru service has been used as an analysis tool. Site Quality Index (IQS) is a new indicator introduced by Yandex instead of citation index to characterize the site’s usefulness to the user, taking into account a large number of factors and more truthfully reflecting the state of the information resource. According to the study, the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF) and the State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA) have the highest value of IQS, and are, thus, good sites from the user’s point of view. The majority of sites of federal archives have low IQS and need further improvement. An important indicator in website promotion is number of links to the website. In number of external links, the GARF and the Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF) are in the lead, while the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI) and the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI) number most links from social networks. Sites of the RGAVMF and the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA) are optimized for mobile devices. Few sites have responsive design, which complicates access to their data. The author notes the need for regular site monitoring by means of web analytics. As a free site analysis tool, she recommends the PR-CY.ru service.

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