
The results of research on the effectiveness of action of herbicides on weeds incrops of Scarlet grosbeak of the Linza variety, conducted on the experimental field of the educationaland research center of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, located inthe Dniprovskyi district of Dnipropetrovsk region are presented. The soil is represented by chernozemordinary low in humus full-profile. The potential soil contamination in the arable layer byvegetative organs of reproduction of perennial suckering weeds was average (100–120 thousandpieces / m2), and high (800–900 million pieces / ha) by seeds of annual weeds. Scarlet grosbeakwas placed after winter wheat. Soil-applied and post-emergence herbicides were applied in therecommended time by a small-sized sprayer OM-4, developed by the Department of GeneralAgriculture and Soil Science of the State Agrarian and Economic University and limited liabilitycompany “Agromodul”. Years of Scarlet grosbeak growing were characterized as typical for theSteppe zone of Ukraine, but differed in the amount of precipitations. The main reasons for thesmall area of distribution of Scarlet grosbeak are identified. The attention was paid to the needfor integrated weed control for the successful growing of this legume crop. It is found that in thesegetal сommunity of Scarlet grosbeak the dominant position was occupied by common ragweedand annual cereals, which at the beginning and end of the growing season accounted for about90% of the total number of weeds. The presence of a small amount of white orache, lesser bindweed,redroot amaranth and others was also noted. In accordance with the evaluations of the technicalefficacy of herbicides in crops of Scarlet grosbeak, which are a weak competitor to weeds,indicate the need to take into account their effect on the weight of weeds. The best results in thecontrol of common ragweed in the crops of the studied culture were provided by preparationsbased on Prometryn 400 g / l + Metribuzin 100 g / l, Imazethapyr 100 g / l and Imazamox 40 g / l,which helped to reduce its weight in the air-dry state by 67.9; 64.4 and 62.1%, respectively, comparedwith the control. The least effective was the insurance (post-emergence) herbicide based onMetribuzin 600 g / l, which helped to reduce the mass of common ragweed in the air-dry state byonly 10.7% compared to the control. The technical efficiency of herbicides action and their tankmixtures on dicotyledonous annual weeds was almost the same and ranged from 50.0% to 87.5%.The use of herbicides and their tank mixtures in general allowed to save from 0.03 t / ha to 0.26 t/ ha grain of Scarlet grosbeak compared to the control without herbicides. Herbicide preparationsdiffered insignificantly in terms of the effect on grain yield. The insurance (post-emegence) herbicidesbased on Imazamox 40 g / l and Imazethapyr 100 g / l should be distinguished. The use ofthis herbicides provided yielding capacity on the level 1.19 and 1.23 t / ha, which was more thancontrol by 22.7 and 26.8%, respectively.


  • Оriginal researchesEffectiveness of Soil-Applied and Post-Emergence Herbicides in Crops of Scarlet Grosbeak (Erythrina Erythrina) of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine

  • The results of research on the effectiveness of action of herbicides on weeds in crops of Scarlet grosbeak of the Linza variety, conducted on the experimental field of the educational and research center of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, located in the Dniprovskyi district of Dnipropetrovsk region are presented

  • Найкращі результати в контролюванні амброзії полинолистої в посівах дослідної культури забезпечили препарати на основі прометрину 400 г/л + метрибузину 100 г/л, імазетапіру 100 г/л та імазамоксу 40 г/л, які сприяли зниженню її маси в повітряно-сухому стані на 67,9; 64,4 і 62,1% відповідно, порівняно з контролем

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Оriginal researches

Effectiveness of Soil-Applied and Post-Emergence Herbicides in Crops of Scarlet Grosbeak (Erythrina Erythrina) of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Serhii Efremov Str., 25, Dnipro, 49000, Ukraine. Effectiveness of soil-applied and post-emergence herbicides in crops of scarlet grosbeak (Erythrina erythrina) of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. I. Kozechko Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine

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