
Introduction. Providing optimal uniting of branches is one of the most important tasks of agricultural enterprises’ activities and it enables to achieve economic, social, and agro-ecological effects. It is possible to conduct the transition from traditional management of economic activities to organic with the least spending and risks owing to constant optimal planning and forecasting of rational branch combination. The important task today is developing mathematical models having the average ecological level – the enterprises, which belong to special raw material zones. The purpose is defining the conditions of raising the effectiveness of economic activities of agrarian enterprise having the status of a special raw material zone by the method of mathematical programming. The methods are system analysis – field, laboratory, economic-mathematical. The results. The model of branch structure of agrarian enterprise has been created taking into account the zone conditions, production resources, scientifically grounded crop rotations, rates of feeding farm animals, optimal application of mineral and organic fertilizers for providing a positive balance of nutrients and humus surplus balance. The suggested ecological-mathematical model enables to perform profitable agricultural activities with the possibility to preserve the environment and raise soil fertility (increasing the share of legumes in the structure of sown areas, maximal using plant residues as organic wastes, providing the protection against degradation processes, etc.). The limitation as to ecologization index allows to determine the character of impact on arable farming. The optimized structure of sown areas will permit to provide the stability of erosion background and the output of feed production at the level of 56.6 hundredweights of feed units and 7.8 hundredweights of digestible protein per one conventional livestock unit. It is necessary to introduce the following structure for providing such feed output: concentrated feeds – 21.5%, succulent feeds – 25.1%, green feeds – 30.2%, roughages – 21.9%, and feeds of animal origin – 1.2%. To receive high economic results, nearly half of commercial products (48.8%) have to be sold at the expense of livestock farming products. Besides, it is not rational to grow pigs for meat in the natural-climatic zone of the Forest-steppe. Thus, selling has to be performed at the expense of dairy and meat livestock farming. Increasing the share of livestock farming products in the structure of production is substantiated by raising profitability from 12.1% to 16.5% at the enterprise on the whole. The conclusions. The created model is a universal one, so, it can be used for any enterprise of the investigated region. For improving branch structure according to the criterion of strategies’ ecologization, it is necessary to increase the area of grain crops at the expense of industrial crops in plant growing branch, and cattle number (mainly, cows) – in livestock farming branch. Practical implementation of optimal production program assists in reviving of livestock farming at agricultural enterprises and provides a stable positive tendency of their development. To achieve high indicators of the content of active nutrients in the soil, according to the held investigations, it is necessary to apply about 13 tons of organic fertilizers and72 kilogramsof mineral fertilizers (N40 P13 K19) per 1hectar of arable land. In case of such resource provision, the ecologization index will be .184 (or 5.4), which will be the evidence of arable farming ecologization, and its level will be increasing. Applying the above mentioned amount of organic fertilizers per1 hectareof sown areas will permit to restore, on the average, .5 ton of humus in one crop rotation. For constant improving ecological conditions of production organization, it is necessary to perform agro-ecological monitoring, that is, to create a single base of statistical evaluations of the economic subject, which allows to change automatically the initial conditions and final results of enterprise’s activities corresponding to the ecologization of arable farming system and use it on all the stages of the transition to organic production.

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