
Teaching oral monological speech to students of non-language higher educational institutions has always been a point of professional interest of methodologists as a complicated practical task. In the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic its implementation has become complicated due to impossibility of immediate interaction between academics and students. Thus, a prerequisite for raising the effectiveness of instruction is the expedient application of web-technologies. WebQuests are defined as an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. WebQuests are projects that raise students' motivation, develop their critical and creative thinking, as well as communicative and social skills. In their turn, compilation WebQuests are defined as tasks where students are supposed to take information from a number of sources and put it into a common format (like: a cookbook, a booklet of an exhibition etc.). The resulted texts are creative products that can be presented orally or in written form. Besides, while doing Compilation WebQuests students are supposed to read or listen to information which makes them a universal method and means of developing communicative skills. The methodological prerequisites of developing students' oral monological skills by means of Compilation WebQuests include: the choice of the methodological approach, the instructional stages, exercises and aids. The current research employs the inductive approach of teaching oral monological speech and, consequently, 3 stages that it involves: the stage of creating short utterances on the topic, the stage of their expansion by means of verbal and non-verbal aids, and the stage of their independent creation. The aids that can be used include: texts, outlines, substitution tables, structural schemes, role-cards, key-cards, proverbs and sayings, functional models and cards, audios and videos, illustrations (photos, posters and caricatures), functional noises etc. The article suggests assignments structured according to the stages described above and including the aids mentioned, that can make up the basis of a Compilation WebQuest's Process and Resources section.

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