
The extraction ability of crown-ethers has been studied with respect to cesium and strontium from nitric acid solutions in heavyweight polar organic solvents: chloroform; 1,2-dichloroethane; bis(2-chloroethyl)ether; nitrobenzene; 1,1,7-trihydrododecafluoroheptyl alcohol. Using bis(2-chloroethyl)ether as a new polar solvent in the extraction processes of dibenzo21-crown-7 and 4,4' (5')-ditretbutyldibenzo-18-crown-6, rather high distribution coefficients of cesium are achieved (DCs) from solutions with a nitric acid concentration of 1-5 mol / dm3. In the extraction of dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 strontium, the highest DSr values were obtained, using chlorine-substituted hydrocarbons and bis(2-chloroethyl)ether with an extraction maximum of 1-3 mol / dm3 HNO3, depending on the diluent used. Extraction systems based on selective crown-ethers in a solvent mixture for the joint extraction of cesium and strontium from chemically complex nitric acid solutions are proposed.

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