
Global trends in the development of project management are characterized by the transformation of the project approach in the direction of its human orientation and the acquisition of special values by subjects of project management. In this regard, the article considers various forms of self-organization of groups and communities — from youth groups to associations of professionals — in the field of project management in Russia and in the world, identifies and analyzes the reasons for self-organization, presents the advantages, disadvantages, degree of stability, areas of application of various forms of self-organization, as well as describes practical experience and offers prospects for the development of some of them. Special attention should be paid to the characteristics of external and internal factors (from the macro environment to the internal state of individuals) that contribute to the process of integration and cooperation of people to solve joint tasks and achieve goals. The results of the research can be used by scientific, professional and youth communities of project management to select appropriate forms of joint interaction in order to obtain certain values for the subjects of project management — self-development, self-learning, self-realization — to solve the tasks.

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