
The BТWC was drafted in the late 1960s with a primary focus on the prohibition of biological weapons. In the 50 years that have passed since the Convention entered into force in 1972, the life sciences, genetic, pharmaceutical and biomedical technologies have stepped forward in their evolution and reached an unprecedented level of development. However, the BТWC is still the only multilateral agreement that provides rich opportunities for solving problems in the field of global biosecurity, including but not limited to the issues of preventing the use of the achievements of biological and medical sciences for purposes harmful to human health, animals and plants. The implementation of the provisions of the Convention at the national and regional levels should help to minimize a wide range of biological risks. At present, Russia pays special attention to further development of regional cooperation on biosecurity with the countries of Eurasian region. Such partnership, on the one hand, creates opportunities for strengthening the BTWC regime, and on the other, it contributes to onward elaboration of plans for scientific and technical cooperation with neighboring states, which is important for improving joint strategies of responding to emerging biosecurity risks, preventing the spread of infectious diseases, and comprehensively strengthening economic and technological potential of Eurasia. The paper provides an overview of Russia’s efforts aimed at building the partnership biosecurity network in the Eurasian region. By the middle of 2022, Russia has concluded memorandums of understanding in the field of biosecurity with four participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Armenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan) and expects to sign extra four agreements (with Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan). The authors analyze Russian official narrative related to the BTWC and biosecurity, summarize Russia’s expectations about the regional cooperation in this field, and suggest some recommendations on practical steps to make this cooperation sustainable and mutually beneficial for all the participants including Russia. The paper presents a detailed analysis of prospects for further strengthening the regional cooperation in the context of the BТWC in such multilateral formats as the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

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