
The article is devoted to the analysis and formation of effective strategies in the field of construction and planning of rental housing for young families. The emphasis of the work is on studying the features of urban infrastructure, taking into account the needs of young people in comfortable and functional spaces, as well as considering practical examples and innovative approaches in the field of housing construction. The research aims to determine optimal housing models for young families that meet modern living standards and contribute to the sustainable development of the city. The formation of construction and planning solutions for rental housing for young families has a multifaceted nature. Taking into account their needs, ensuring functionality, environmental friendliness, manufacturability and social adaptation become the key directions of the development of modern residential construction. The conducted studies emphasize that: "the dissatisfaction of young families with their housing conditions is associated with the following factors: the high cost of renting housing; living with parents or other relatives; small living space; poor technical characteristics of housing. Providing young families with the opportunity to have quality, affordable and functional housing is an important step in creating a stable and healthy society. Taking into account the needs of young families, rational housing should be designed using all energy-saving technologies. So that the purchase of such housing and its further operation corresponded to the family budget.
 It was established that the development of rental houses in Ukraine is impossible without the participation of private investors, for whom their construction will be profitable only if the state provides preferential conditions for construction. The results of the work can be used as a basis for the development of city strategies and programs aimed at improving living conditions for young people and the overall development of the city.

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