
The article considers the necessity and expediency of implementation of ecological education in general secondary education institutions during the study not only of physics, but also of other natural sciences.
 The results of the analysis of literature sources are described, on the basis of which it can be stated that the problem of ecological education and upbringing has been studied by many scientists. In particular, the general pedagogical aspects of theproblem of ecological education, conceptual bases of formation of ecological thinking, theoretical and methodological bases of ecological education, value aspects of ecological education, questions of ecological education in the process of studyingnatural cycle subjects and greening of school physics course are studied. At the same time, it is necessary to continue researching the possibilities of implementing environmental education during the various stages of physics classes in generalsecondary education and, importantly, in vocational (vocational) education.
 A number of didactic conditions for the formation of ecological knowledge arecsingled out, among which are: the need to take into account the age characteristics ofcthought processes, the relationship of memory, attention and success of students toform strong, deep and systematic knowledge of science; formation of systematiccknowledge of students; implementation of educational activities and communication in the natural environment, etc.
 The wide possibilities of the content of educational material from the school course of physics for realization of ecological education during training in establishments of general secondary education are confirmed. The content of theprogram material of the school course of physics gives an opportunity to acquaint students with a number of ideas that reveal the physical and technical side of the current environmental crisis and consider ways to overcome it.
 Examples of realization of some questions of ecological character which studying can be carried out at physics lessons in establishments of general secondary education are resulted.
 A number of forms of organization of educational and cognitive activities ofcstudents for the implementation of environmental education during the study ofcphysics are described.

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