
The purpose of the study is to analyze the application of mineral and organic fertilizers for arable land in the conditions of the Republic of Khakassia for the period 1966–2022. The object of the study is the long-term dynamics of mineral and organic fertilizers. Calculations were performed in accordance with the methodology set out in the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation “On approval of methods for quantitative determination of greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas removals” dated May 27, 2022. Data are provided on the introduction of carbon in fertilizers for the period from 1966 to 2022. The area of arable land decreased from 732.0 thousand hectares in 1966 to 559.6 thousand hectares in 2022. The historical minimum and maximum were observed, respectively, for the area of arable land in 2004 (407 thousand hectares) and 1962–1988. (732 thousand hectares), for organic and mineral fertilizers in 2004 (644.1 tons) and in 1989 (37,830.6 tons). In 2022, the total amount of fertilizers applied was 65.1 tons for organic fertilizers, 3,620.6 tons for mineral fertilizers. The range of carbon values in fertilizers was 91.5–25,743.6 tons. There was a decrease in the amount of carbon supplied with fertilizers (from 9002.2 to 1133.1 tons). In 2022, an analysis of the gross values of carbon input with plant residues was carried out. In 2022, 1,501.8 t C ∙ year–1 was added to the arable land with plant residues. Most of them were introduced with wheat. Methodological recommendations were compiled to improve analytical reporting on carbon in agrocenoses, including support for farms implementing measures to accumulate carbon in the soil. It is proposed to create a carbon balance module for agroecosystems in a carbon sequestration database. The proposed solutions will allow monitoring the carbon balance of agroecosystems in the Republic of Khakassia.

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