
Introduction. In Russian historiography, there are works devoted to the Nazi occupation policy on the USSR occupied territories, with historians focusing on the study of the occupation regime policies, the problems of military everyday life, and the partisan movement. The article aims to study pertinent archival documents to reveal the character of the Nazi occupation regime on the territory of the Kalmyk ASSR. Materials and methods. The source base of the research comprised the archival materials of the Extraordinary State Commission for Ascertaining and Investigating Crimes Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices and the Republic’s State Commission for Investigating Crimes Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices. The materials are largely introduced by the authors into scientific circulation for the first time. The research was based on comparative-historical and statistical methods, the method of source studies, structural-diachronic and system analysis. Results. The article sheds light on the basic principles of the Nazi occupation policy, on the occupiers’ crimes against the civilian population, their economic policy, and the organization of forced labor in the Republic, including compulsory transfer of the population to Germany. Conclusions. The armies of the Wehrmacht followed the program of extermination of millions of civilians, which was set out in the plan “Ost”. The Nazi policy towards the civilian population of Kalmyk ASSR was characterized by the most severe repression for any form of disobedience to the occupation authorities. The reasons for the violence could be any form of resistance against the invaders, contacts with partisans, and refusal of forced labor. The people had to pay numerous taxes, they were subjected to looting by soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht and its allies. These and other acts of Nazi crimes must not be forgotten, liability for them has no statute of limitations.

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