
Objectives The purpose of this study is to reveal that the newly introduced computer based assessment of educa-tional achievement in 2022 can produce mathematics test items to improve the quality of the mathematics pa-per-and-pencil test items in the current educational field and discusses the resulting educational implications.
 Methods To this end, we collected paper-and-pencil test items from the current mathematics educational field. Among them, we chose examples of items with limited quality because they could not use item types of the com-puter based assessment of educational achievement and converted them using item types of the computer based assessment of educational achievement that could be implemented. After that, we compared the chosen exam-ples with the converted items.
 Results As a result, it was confirmed at the item level that mathematics test items that can be implemented in the computer based assessment of educational achievement can improve the quality of existing paper-and-pen-cil test items in several specific aspects, such as increasing validity and reducing guesswork.
 Conclusions Based on the results, we discussed the need to participate in the ‘Customized Assessment of Educational Achievement’ and the long-term advantages of converting school mathematics paper-and-pencil tests to computer based tests in terms of actual educational situations.

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