
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of food consumption monitoring using a camera-phone in a weight control program. Twenty-six female college students (>30% body fat) were randomly assigned to the camera-phone and diary (CD) group or diary (D) only group. During the 8-week weight control program, the CD group controlled their food consumption using a camera-phone, in which they took a food picture and uploaded it to the homepage. However, the D group used only a diary to record their food intake. The mean energy intake of the CD group during the program was 1451.9 kcal while that of the D group was 1524.3 kcal. The total energy intakes of both groups significantly decreased during the program. The CD group lost 5.2 kg of body weight and 3.1% body fat while the D group lost 2.2 kg of body weight and 1.1% body fat. The body weight and fat levels significantly decreased in the CD group compared to the D group. The triglyceride, total-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels of the CD group as well as the total-cholesterol level of the D group significantly decreased during the program. The total-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels both significantly decreased in the CD group compared to the D group. In this study, it was concluded that digital photography method using a camera-phone might influence weight control through trained consumption monitoring, which helps individuals reduce discrepancies between perceived and actual consumption levels.

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