
In the process of development of agriculture, methods and methods of tillage are being improved. Soil cultivation is determined by many factors, which can be natural and anthropogenic. Mechani-cal processing changes the physical, physico-chemical and biological processes in the soil. The purpose of the research is to establish the nature of the transformation of the physico–chemical properties of the soil under the influence of basic tillage in the grain-grass crop rotation with spring rape. In a stationary experiment in 9-full grain-grass crop rotation (1–clover of 1 year of use for one mowing, 2 – winter wheat, 3 - sugar beet, 4 – spring barley, 5 – peas, 6 – winter wheat, 7 – spring rapeseed, 8 – corn for silage, 9 - bar-ley + clover) the following technological operations of tillage were studied: dump, flat-cut, combined. Crop rotation crops are cultivated according to intensive technologies recommended for the Central Chernozem region. Pre-sowing treatment on all variants consisted of early spring harrowing with subsequent cultivation to the depth of seed embedding. The combination of various techniques and methods of cultivation in the grain-grass row crop rotation makes it possible to change many processes both in the direc-tion of increasing and worsening the effective soil fertility. According to the degree of adverse im-pact, the methods of tillage are arranged in the following increasing sequence: combined, dump, flat-cut for crop rotation crops. To preserve the physical and chemical properties of the soil and increase the productive capacity of chernozem, preference should be given to combined cultiva-tion, where plowing in a nine-field crop rotation takes from 33 to 45%. In this variant, 4.94 t/ha of production units were collected for rotation of the crop rotation, 4.57 t/ha of production units were collected for flat–cutting, and 4.81 t/ha of production units were collected for dump.

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