
The purpose of the experiment was to study effect of the vermicomposts on agro- chemical composition of soil mixture and cucumber fruiting in the conditions of Central Yakutia. To study the effectiveness of vermicomposts, the zoned cucumber variety Aprelsky was used. In total, the experiment included 10 options (3 replicates of 10 plants each): option 1 – control; options 2, 3, 4, 5 – respectively 50; 100; 150 and 200 g per plant of vermicompost from cattle manure; options 6, 7 – respectively 100 and 200 g per plant of vermicompost from bird droppings; option 8 – 100 g per plant of humus and 100 ml Baikal EM-1; option 9 – 100 ml Baikal EM-1; option 10 – liquid vermicompost (vermicai). As a result, it has been found that with increasing doses of vermifertilizers, the mineral composition and total nitrogen content correspondingly in- crease. The greatest significance for the accumulation of cucumber fruits was in option 4, where this indicator was higher than the control variant by 58.33%. The second best results were found in option 10, where this indicator was higher than in the control variant by 54.17%. Then option 9 was marked, where the studied indicator was 50.0% higher than the control one. Thus, research shows that the use of vermifertilizers contributes to better fruiting of cucumbers in the conditions of Central Yakutia.

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