
Cucumbers are a common vegetable crop in the world, so increasing its yield is an urgent issue. The effect of Rival and Rist-concentrate on the assimilation processes of cucumber in the phases of three true leaves and flowering in the open ground was studied. It was found that in the phase of three true leaves, pre-sowing treatment of cucumber seeds with Growth-Concentrate increased the value of the area of the cucumber leaf blade by 12.2 % compared to the control indicators. In the flowering phase, Rival and Rist-concentrate showed higher efficiency, stimulating the growth of the area of the cucumber leaf blade by 13.1 % and 16.7 % compared to the control indicators. Studies of the total area of the leaf apparatus of cucumber in the phase of three true leaves showed that the values of the area of the leaf apparatus of cucumber, the seeds of which were treated with Rival and Rist-concentrate exceed control by 34.8 % and 27.8 %, respectively. In the flowering phase, Rival and Growth-concentrate stimulated an increase in the area of the leaf apparatus by 21.4 % and 25.6 % compared to the control indicators. It was found that after measuring the content of chlorophyll in the tissues of cucumber leaves in the phase of three true leaves, the control value for the sum of chlorophyll а and b was 2.32 mg/g of raw mass, chlorophyll a – 1.51 mg/g of raw mass, chlorophyll b is 0.81 mg/g of raw weight. Treatment of cucumber seeds with the drug Rival allowed to increase the content of the sum of chlorophyll a and b to 2.53 mg/g of raw weight. Also, this drug affected the content of chlorophyll b, exceeding the control value by 12.5 %. In this phase, Growth Concentrate did not change the content of photosynthetic pigments in the tissues of cucumber leaves. It was found that the control value for the content of the sum of chlorophyll a and b in the tissues of cucumber leaves in the flowering phase was 2.82 mg/g of raw weight, chlorophyll a – 1.80 mg/g of raw weight, chlorophyll b – 1.01 mg/g raw mass. Treatment of cucumber seeds with Rival increased the amount of chlorophyll a and b to 4 mg/g of raw weight. Also, the drug stimulated the formation of chlorophyll a and b. It was investigated that pre-sowing treatment of cucumber seeds with the drug Rival increases the yield by 22 %, which indicates the effectiveness of this drug. Thus, the synthetic growth regulator Rival can be recommended for use in agricultural practice for pre-sowing treatment of cucumber seeds

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