
The performance of electrical machine slip ring units is considered for the case when the brushes operate under no-load conditions. The article presents the results from investigations aimed at determining the effect the slip ring material has on the wear of electric brushes with and without using the lubricating brushes made on the basis of molybdenum disulfide. It has been found that the minimal brush wear is achieved in case of using “EG-4 brush—steel ring” contact pairs. It has also been determined that the highest brush film resistance is obtained in case of using cast iron rings. The use of lubricating brushes allows the wear of main brush es to be decreased by more than a factor of two with simultaneously making their wear more uniformly distributed in time. Physical models have been developed that allow the wear of EG-61A and MGS-7 brushes to be predicted at the design and operation stages for their operation on a steel slip ring in combination with lubricating brushes.

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