
In the article, the impact of «diet» is considered that is used by adolescentsoutside medical prescription for controlling their weight, emotional state andmaintaining self-esteem.The researches for the last ten years are analyzed, the psychosocial factorsof predisposition to the formation of disorders of eating behavior amongadolescents are explained and described. In order to solve the problems wehave formed a sample of respondents: adolescents aged 12–14 years fromTernopil and Lviv schools. At the beginning of the study, 347 questionnaireswere received, 88 of them were included in the experimental group. Participantswere offered diagnostic materials, in particular: The Eating DisorderImpairment Questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scalescreening scale.According to the results of work we described five aspects of predispositionto eating disorder among adolescents. Key among of them is body dissatisfactionand low self-esteem. It is established that low self-esteem intensifiesfixation on the problem areas of the body by increasing the desire forharmony, and the unproductive use of rigid diets or restrictions in the amountof food gives a sense of control over emotions and thoughts. At the same time,it is indicated that the anxiety that is felt in this regard affects the propensityto interpersonal alienation. It is concluded that depression and uncontrolledovereating might act as independent triggers for the distress and modifyingfactors supporting the development of eating disorders are the fear of ripeningand perfectionism.The materials described in the article provide grounds for considering theresults as a screening model for eating disorder, which may be proposed foruse in psycho-educational work with adolescents.

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