
The article analyzes the content of the concepts "electronic contract" and "digital contract" used in the private law of Ukraine. The preliminary scientific research in the part of legislative regulation of contractual relations with the use of information and communicationsystems was also continued. The author's classification of contracts, the subject of which is a digital thing or digital services, has been improved. A scientific and practical analysis of the norms of the laws of Ukraine "On electronic commerce", "On digital content and digital services" regarding the conclusion of contracts using information and communication systems was carried out. It was concluded that the norms regarding the conclusion and validity of a civil contract apply to private relations, as well as public relations. A scientific and practical analysis of the features of an electronic contract, a digital contract, as well as a smart contract (smart agreements, smart contracts) as types of civil law contracts is offered. Scientific studies related to the provisions of the draft Law on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act, AI Act), which is being discussed by the member states of the European Union, regarding the regulation of contractual relations with the help of artificial intelligence systems, have been continued. The methodological basis of the study is the philosophical and legal basis of knowledge of social phenomena, in particular those related to the protection and protection of the rights of individuals in contract law. In particular, dialectical, systemic-structural, normative-logical, sociological, comparative-legal methods of cognition are applied. The results of the research can be used in further scientific articles, in the educational process, etc.

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