
The article substantiates the methods of survival of the personnel of the logistical units of the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in extreme conditions. The study was conducted in relation to military specialists of the logistics services in the areas of food and clothing support, as well as fuel and lubricants supply in various types of military and other operations. The experience of the participation of servicemen of the rear units in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO), the joint task forces operation (JFO) indicates that the successful completion of tasks related to material and technical support depends not only on their professional and moral-psychological readiness, but also on the extreme training of the personnel of the units the logistics of military units, that is, their readiness, reliability and ability to carry out tasks at any time and in any conditions under the influence of physical and psychological stress. Performance of tasks for the personnel of the units of the logistics of the military units of the Armed Forces, both in areas with a difficult socio-political situation and in permanent deployment centers, is always associated with testing the physical and mental capabilities of a person. The military has to face significant difficulties and obstacles, both external and internal in nature. This tension of military activity causes physical, mental, informational and other overloads of personnel and often leads to the emergence of negative mental states. The problem of the survival of servicemen of the logistical units of the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in extreme conditions is very relevant today. The psychological training of the personnel of the Armed Forces in special conditions is historically determined and scientifically substantiated methods of psychological training of servicemen of the logistical units, the process of education, formation and activation of sustainable motives and psychological qualities of a modern soldier, necessary for the successful performance of official tasks, professional activities both in peace and in wartime. Studies on the justification of the methods of survival and actions of servicemen of the rear units (logistics) of the military units of the Armed Forces in extreme conditions can be used in the future when developing programs for training personnel of the logistical units for operations in critical and crisis situations. Keywords: material, technical, support, method, survival, personnel, rear units, logistical equipment, military unit, extreme conditions, military operations.

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