
The article explores the main aspects of Czech economic activity in the territory of Volhyn. Particular attention is paid to the formation of agriculture, the acquisition of land by the colonists, their agriculture and industry. The article highlights the peculiarities of Czech people cultural life in the region at the end of XIX – beginning of XX century. It is noted that the most favorable conditions for Czech emigration were created in the Volhynian province, where after the abolition of serfdom in 1861 and the unsuccessful Polish uprising in 1863, the Czechs were able to buy land at relatively cheap prices. The article shows the tsarist government’s policy towards the settlers, which he endorsed and supported in order to weaken the influence of the Polish nobility and raise the economic level of the province. It is noted that the Czech settlers were interested in local Polish landlords, who were devastated for various reasons and were considered to be real buyers of their land. The article chronologically indicates their regions of residence in the Volyn province counties. The study shows the difficulties faced by migrants in their first years of residence on new territory and ways to overcome them. It is noted that the tsarist administration saw in the Czechs the bearers of Western European progress, because they were distinguished by a high level of agro-culture. The article examines the tsarist government’s study of the quantitative and qualitative state of life of the Czechs in the province, and points to the authorities’ conclusion that the settlers were wealthy compared to Ukrainian peasants. For the first time on the basis of archival documents, the study analyzed the number of Czechs and the amount of land they purchased for private ownership in each township and in general in the Volhynian province counties. It was concluded that the largest number of Czechs lived in Dubna County, where on average there were 1,45 des. of land per person, and in general in the province there were 1,6 des. of land per person. It is noted that during the Stolypin agrarian reform, the Czechs began to migrate from the agrarian-populated Volhynian province to other regions of the empire. The article analyzes the peculiarities of Czechs’ economic activity during the reform period, the creation of exemplary farms and cutting farms. Based on individual field studies, the value of Czech living in the region is shown.

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