
The article analyzes the state of the Russian labor market in 2023, and also examines the main trends, including the shortage of personnel, the need to implement measures to retain highly qualified specialists in companies, the growth of the average age ofthe applicant, the demand for knowledge of Asian languages and skills to work with modern digital solutions, and others. Based on a comparison of 2022 and 2023, an increase in vacancies on popular job search platforms was re-vealed, and the areas most in need of personnel were identified. Using the example of the IT-industry, the required soft and hard skills for specialists in the most popular positions are analyzed. As a result of the work carried out, recommendations were formulated for universities aimed at improving the career preparation of students. Salaries by industry are considered, where the sharpest jump in the IT sector can be identified, starting in 2021. The paper analyzes the most popular areas of university educational programs, and one of the most popular areas was chosen to analyze the competencies formed in them: “Information Technology” at Lomonosov Moscow State University. As a result of the work carried out, recommendations were formulated for universities aimed at improving the career preparation of students The research's novelty rests in its comprehensive approach to the study of the gap between the requirements for university graduates and the requirements of the labor re-sources market, in order to develop practical recommendations for overcoming it. The authors em-phasize the need for further research into the imbalance in higher education and the labor resources market, including in the IT sector, which holds strategic importance in fostering an innovative econ-omy and the realization of goals for Russia’s technological sovereignty.

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