
Biographical data on the life and activities of the academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.I. Subbotin, presented and analyzed are the key areas of activity of the scientific school ″Heat and Mass Transfer, Physical Chemistry and Technology of Heat Transfer Fluids in Energy Systems″, which he created, which he was the head of. During the years 1953-1975 V.I. Subbotin led the research in the field of thermal physics at the Physics and Energy Institute (Obninsk). During this period, as a result of a large complex of experimental and computational studies of heat and mass transfer, physical chemistry and technology of water and liquid metals (sodium, eutectic alloys of sodiumpotassium and lead-bismuth, lithium, lead), the scientific foundations were created in the nuclear power plant under his leadership the use of liquid metal coolants in nuclear energy. The fundamental physicochemical and thermohydraulic laws of the coolant - impurities - structural materials - protective gas system were studied. The results of these studies made it possible, together with the institutes and the OKBM of the country performing the development of nuclear power and power plants cooled by water and liquid metals, to scientifically substantiate the thermohydraulic parameters and highly efficient technological processes, to develop and practically implement apparatuses and systems, ensured the successful operation of fundamentally new nuclear power plants with original scientific and technical solutions that had no analogue in world practice. In 1975, V.I. Subbotin was transferred to work in Moscow as director of the newly created wide-profile organization NPO ″Energia″ of the USSR Ministry of Energy and Electrification. While in this position, he put a lot of effort into creating a fundamentally new institute in the nuclear energy industry - VNIIAES, and also was the initiator and achieved the creation of a new institute for the nuclear industry - VNIIAM. In 1977-1988, V.I. Subbotin worked as the head of the Department of Thermophysics at MEPhI. During his work in this position, the composition of the department grew from 39 to 120 people; three collaborators defended doctoral dissertations, more than 30 defended doctoral dissertations. In 1968, he was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1987 a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1988, Valery Ivanovich transferred to work at the USSR Academy of Sciences. The traditions of the scientific school are currently preserved and developed by the students, associates and followers of V.I. Subbotin.

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