
Endogenous intoxication is a complicated multicomponent process caused by pathological biological activity of endogenous products or dysfunction of natural detoxification systems. The article presents the results of the experiment on ischemic-reperfusion syndrome as an aggravating factor in the development of endogenous intoxication in the model of combined injury of the abdominal cavity in the background of hypovolemic shock.The aim of the study – to learn the effect of ischemic-reperfusion syndrome on the changes of indicators of endogenous intoxication in the model of combined injury of the abdominal cavity in the background of hypovolemic shock.Materials and Methods. The experiment was conducted on 80 nonlinear male rats weighing 190–220 grams. In experimental groups ischemic-reperfusion syndrome was simulated in combination with trauma of the abdominal cavity in the background of hypovolemic shock and contents of endogenous intoxication markers (molecules of average mass fractions determined at wavelengths of 238, 254, 260 and 280) and the erythrocytes index of intoxication were analyzed. The probability of differences between the control group and the study group was evaluated using non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test.Results and Discussion. The applications of haemostatic tourniquets on two lower limbs caused a significant reliable increase of EII indicator in all study groups. The maximum increase of EII indicator was in the group where the applications of the tourniquets were combined with the trauma of the abdominal cavity and hypovolemic shock. These data proved the potentiating effect of ischemicreperfusion syndrome on the development of systemic changes in combined trauma. It has also been shown that the manifestation of endogenous intoxication within the first 24 hours after the applications of haemostatic tourniquets is similar to that arising from the combined injury of the abdominal cavity in the background of massive external bleeding.Conclusions. The applications of haemostatic tourniquets to the two lower limbs for two hours enhance the development of endogenous intoxication in the model of combined injury of the abdominal cavity in the background of hypovolemic shock, that was confirmed by significant increase of EII indicator and the median mass molecules seven days after reperfusion.

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