
Relevance. Scientific typification of past events is one of the most common results, obtained in the course of historical research. At the same time, as a rule, we are talking about using only one typological feature and only one level of typing. This gives relevance to the consideration of the issue of establishing multidimensional and multilevel typing. Purpose of the article is to familiarize the professional community of historians with the experience of establishing a multidimensional and multilevel typification of the subject of research. The objective of the article is to establish the typification of the meteorological support of the Red Army Air Force and demonstrate by its example the practical application of the historical and typological method. Methodology. The use of the historical-typological method has become widespread in conducting historical re-search. In particular, it was used in the study of the history of meteorological support of the Red Army Air Force during the Great Patriotic War. Results. It was proposed to streamline the subject of the study by identifying types in it based on the estab-lishment of common inherent features. For this purpose, three typological features were used: the level of military man-agement, the regularity of meteorological support and the specifics of the activities of the Air Force. As a result, mul-tidimensional typing was obtained. The third type was subjected to further detail, which allowed us to talk about its second level. All conclusions and provisions are illustrated by concrete examples from the experience of aviation me-teorologists in providing the Air Force during the Great Patriotic War. Conclusion. The possibility of using the historical-typological method to establish multidimensional and multilevel typing is shown by the example of a specific subject of research. It is established that the use of this method should be preceded by the use of a descriptive method. It is revealed that the key component determining the further possibility of typification is the selection of typological features.

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