
The article substantiates the professional significance of the formation of competencies in chemistry and learning outcomes of higher education in the specialty "Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment" in the process of studying the discipline "Technique of laboratory work". It is proved that this discipline integrates knowledge of the technique of chemical experiment, in particular – the preparation of solutions of certain concentrations, which is of immense importance for the professional activities of laboratory assistants of clinical diagnostic laboratories. Thus, this problem requires special methodological attention. It is determined that the formation of competencies in chemistry and learning outcomes of higher education in the specialty "Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment" should take place in the conditions of creating a specially organized student-centered educational environment in higher education institutions (HEIs). It enables students to use organizational, intellectual-communicative, educational, methodological, logistical, informational-technological resources of HEIs, as well as to influence the systematic updating of educational programs, thus determining the goals, structure, methods and professional orientation of their education. A list of general and special competencies as well as learning outcomes of higher education seekers, which will be formed in the specified topic of the course "Technique of laboratory work" has been composed. On the example of conducting a practical lesson on the corresponding topic, the author's method of forming and evaluating the learning outcomes of applicants for higher education is given. It is shown that the formation of these learning outcomes begins with the acquaintance of applicants with their content. Algorithms for solving computational problems of preparation of tinctures by methods of sample and dilution solutions are given. Detailed instructions for the preparation of solutions of salts, alkalis and acids and determination of their concentrations using a hydrometer are given. The place of group educational activity in the process of formation of students' learning outcomes is outlined. Methods of control and assessment of students' academic achievements are indicated, namely: online testing using modern educational platforms, self-evaluation, evaluation by group members and assessment based on the results of their experimental work.

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