
Since July 1, 2022, the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia has been put into effect (adopted 05.05.2021), which includes both new institutions and solutions to problems that were identified in the previous criminal legislation. Certain changes have also occurred in the composition of crimes related to drug trafficking, including those related to the predicate of the crime. So, if in the previous Code responsibility for illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors or their illegal sale was provided for by a single article 266, then in the new Code criminal liability is established separately, Article 394. A new type of object is provided – equivalent substances (analog). According to the author, in the composition of crimes related to illicit drug trafficking, the predicate of the crime is, as a rule, a mandatory feature. The author refutes the position spread in the literature, according to which only narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors are the predicate of drug crimes. He also highlights other items. The author believes that clarifying the predicate of the crime is of great importance for the correct qualification of these criminal acts, distinguishing them from each other, and in some cases from administrative offenses.

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